Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sunny July

What a glorious summer. I don't want it to end.  Yet 'they' are selling Christmas already on TV. The Hallmark channel has all Christmas programming.  It's insane. Why do they have to rush everything?  After the 4th of July they start in about school supplies and clothes turn winterfied while the temperatures hit 90 degrees. It's like children who instead of enjoying the moment they start asking what's next. That's my soapbox for today.

Having written that I look back with a red face because I  just received my Italy itinerary today and it is something. Angela, and Johnna (my daughter-in-law) and I meet up in Rome and tour for a week then end up in Florence for Alyssa's wedding for four days then have a private tour of Tuscany. We are going to learn to make pasta by hand.  Yiiikes.  We are tasting wine seemingly all day every day.  They may find us laying by the side of a country road before it is over. We will be gone from October 3rd to the 17th. One thing we won't be doing is touring Tuscany by bike.  Beth and the Cincinnati kin did that and it nearly killed them, I hear it is very hilly.

Tonight's menu will include lobster and shrimp stuffed ravioli fresh but not made by me.  Sam's have lovely fresh ravioli and it is fast and easy. Andy is eager for BLTs to start because our tomatoes have begun and there are four or five now every morning greeting me on the outside table making me feel guilty if I can't use them fast enough.  Well, it's a good problem to have. I love summer.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...