Monday, June 24, 2019

Brisket or corn beef?

It's three in the morning and I am finally back. I was treated to a double root canal on Wednesday and it is now Monday, so it has taken a few days to get back to staying on foot. Never heard of a double root canal let alone one on an 81-year-old woman yet I live on. So, if they want to treat you to one, RUN.

 I had better get a move on.  July 4th is around the corner and we are having a party. I have been working on things as I felt like it.  I also learned that what they told me at Fresh Tyme is not exactly true.  Beth Googled it and actually, brisket is not the exact same as corn beef.  Not that it will shake your world, but it surprised me when they told me at Fresh Thyme that it was.  I had fixed a great pot of vegetables and beans with seasonings and wanted a brisket to lay on top and roast low and slow for 8 hours.  It turned out so well that Nate ate half the 'brisket' which really was corned beef.  So, with the same base and brisket instructions, I sent Andy to the store and he came back with corn beef too. It was equally well received so I added beans, brown sugar, mustard, BQ sauce, and anything else I could get my hands on like soy, sriracha, and Worcestershire to the beans along with onions and peppers from Andy's garden containers.  The result is an enormous pot of baked beans for the fourth. (Bacon is involved as well.

I am planning a bevy of salads too.  Food Network is putting together the strangest ingredients for salads and they do look intriguing. I am still making the 7-layer anchor salad for sure and Heather's feathery green salad with 3 ingredients.

  Many Branches is looking great thanks to Eric and his crew.  Finding him was a Godsend relieving Andy of some really hard work. The pool this year took something out of him, but now it looks perfect.

Now I am off to work on the skirt steak--never touched the cut before, but what the heck.  Live it up I say. 

Image may contain: plant, flower and indoor

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...