Sunday, December 23, 2018


The gang is gathering sans a few people off on their own.  Last night Beth and Alyssa baked cookies and Heather, a friend, and I drank Prosecco and watched. Well, to tell the truth four of us, Andy only had one glass, polished off four bottles.   We also made those delightful brie/cranberry bites and we ate them all.  Beth had a beautiful charcuterie platter and we made a big dent in that too. Oink oink.

Today I have a big pot of chili going because I have no idea who will be hungry.  Alyssa and her maid of honor, Taylor, are doing their thing, Beth is off doing her thing, Carly and Brooks are due to arrive any minute, so the food is bound to be eaten.

Last night Heather brought me a large box of See's candies.  Andy's boss used to give us this treat every Christmas and I must say I have not had See's since then until last night.  I have it out for public consumption, but, I hope no one eats any.  It will take me a while, but I can polish off this delight during the new year, which I am looking forward to.  I will be glad to put 2018 behind me. (Maybe I should hide the See's, Brooks has a big appetite and since he is about to be deployed for nine months he is stocking up on goodies.)  I pray the President brings our troops home from that hell hole too.

David and Johnna sent me a day spa certificate for Woodhouse Spas, Beth and I were there once. It is very nice, but it will take maybe 12 people to work on my body; there are several areas of need. I fear the ticket will run out before all my needs are soothed.

Two more days and it will be over and the next day people will carry back to the store and exchange items for what they really want.  lol  Have a good time.

Three of our guys we won't be seeing Christmas Day. (They are probably not having a good time. lol)

Image may contain: 3 people, including Adam Lechler, sky, snow, outdoor and nature
Brie/cranberry sauce bites

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...