Friday, December 13, 2019

Cookies galore

Luckily I have a niece who bakes.  Baking used to be a favorite past time of mine, but no more.  So, when Nancy, my niece, showed up yesterday with enough cookies to get us through the season without my help, both Andy and I were impressed and grateful. Dozens of snickerdoodles, lovely oatmeal and, of course, buckeyes.  Thank you, thank you.

Things are moving along lazily around here.  No rush or fuss, just a steady pace this year for some strange reason.  I suppose this contentment bubble will pop pretty soon but until then I am wallowing in it. Unlike the government, many of us are finding peace and thankfulness for what we have and the good health of our family members.

McDonald's has the best sausage muffin with hash browns and a good cup of black coffee, yum.  Andy is on his way home with that tidy little get-me-through the day bag of goodies.  I have dinner all planned and a good book search on the agenda.

Have a lovely week-end. Oh, I bought my new kitchen journal and plan to start it for the new year's goings-on at Many Branches and afar.  We have only one trip planned (so far) for the new year.  Andy and I want to go to Nashville for Brooks and Carly's marriage celebration.  They have been married a year now as of December 5th and in May we gather to celebrate this event, with pleasure.  

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...