Friday, June 9, 2017

Birthdays in New Orleans

Image may contain: 1 person, sunglasses

Saturday morning outing to the farmers' market with friends.

Beth and I have birthdays in November.  I will be 80 and she will be considerably younger.  We came up with the idea of getting with the ladies of New Orleans, Ann and her sisters, and Beth's sisters and then I thought let's invite the Cincy women, And the Florida women, Johnna and her great sister. So the clans have merged and we are wide open to frivolity. November is a long time away, but plans must be made and anticipation must be experienced.  We are leaving our husbands and the dogs behind.  One place to look forward to is the Rock and Bowl.  It is a night club of sorts with a bowling alley and a live band that is just great.  I can't remember the food, so I think it is basic pizza, but I am not sure.  The bowling is fun to watch and at my age watching is what I will be doing when it comes to flying balls and flipping pins.  The music of New Orleans gets everyone in the mood to party and that is what we are looking forward to.  We will dine out every night so no one will have to cook, even if they want to.  We will have high tea at the Windsor Court where I hope we will stay, but that is to be considered.

Ann and I had such a good time when she was here for a few days.  I am eager to see her again.

We are having Chinese take out tonight but I have boneless ribs in the oven to be paired tomorrow with several kinds of beans and whatever else I can come up with.

Life is good and getting better.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...