Thursday, February 20, 2014

New Toys for the Kitchen~



I recently saw the movie Babette's Feast and when she unpanned her lovely dessert, I knew I must have a cake pan like hers.  It's from Nordic and there is a big selection from which to choose.  This morning I made this orange sour cream cake and I must say the pan is heavy and it does what it should.  It's a beauty.  I love the pan with the four shapes and thought with a basic batter one could have four bowls and change each of the cakes to be different yet from the same base recipe.  I'll try that next. Everyone is on a diet and it is difficult to get rid of these sweets, but, somehow in the middle of the night they do disappear.  It's the cake fairy no doubt.

Babette's Feast
The Danish/French Babette's Feast is based on a story by Isak Dinesen, also the source of the very different Out of Africa (1985). Stephane Audran plays Babette, a 19th century Parisian political refugee who seeks shelter in a rough, poor Danish coastal village.  With religious fervor the towns' people are grumpy, mean and suspicious of one another.  Babette wins a 10,000 franc lottery and makes it all better spending the money to compile a feast like no other for the characters of the town.  Food heals it all in the end and she is then back where she started...poor but now happy.

Sunday: A rum carrot cake to go with the Sunday roast, caramelized onion mashed potatoes and salad.          


I also want to try the new Ortega Fiesta Flats.  They are like little (long) troughs or canoes. They should hold the taco mixture so much better.  It just seems easier and less messy.ortega-houseparty

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...