Wednesday, July 29, 2015

'Like' enough already~

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I love words but like  I enjoy conversation without certain words.  I lose the trail of thought as I like count the number of times the word like is like used in a it is too much.  I want to like wish the word like away to its once meaningful mind picture. Just as I wanted awesome to be thrown into the word bone yard like I would like the word like to join it. Over use and sing song Valley Girl sentences drive me insane, like it is time to grow up.  I have also heard like used as a punctuation mark, a pause to see how one reacts to an idea or sentence, and even as a tentative question as the voice rises near the end of a declarative sentence. (Many times I hear it like all in one sentence.) Like use your like adult vocabulary and people will like take you more seriously. Americans are not the only people riding the over used word train.  The British over use the word brilliant.  I cannot for the life of me see how it is applicable in some contexts, but use it they do and for years it has been the cool adjective of choice. (Cool is another old and over used word.) Notice  I am not even like going to the 'f' word which is like so offensive and totally out of hand  and tiresome. The shock value has passed; move on. Oh, how about the superfluous 'for'?  For free.. it isn't for free, it is simply free or free of charge. That one didn't bother me until my neighbor pointed out that flaw. I have held my tongue for a long time on this subject, but today I pulled out my soap box and like climbed aboard.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...