Friday, August 14, 2020


Now that we are older we have been leasing rather than owning cars.  Our lease is up in a few days so last night we went to a dealership to pick up our new lease.  I was to follow Andy home.  The new car is black and somehow in rush hour traffic I started following the wrong black car.  Had he not pulled into a gas station I would have still been following him. Duh!  I knew where I was, but it was so disconcerting that I found it difficult to get out of the maze of side streets to get home, but I finally did.  Mike and Andy were calling over and over but I could not stop to answer in the heavy traffic.  When I pulled into the driveway Andy was white as a sheet and both he and Mike were standing in the driveway waiting for me. From now on it will be driving Miss Doris. I give up.  With isolation lasting for months I had not been driving.  I am going to practice with Andy the car phone feature; with cell phones, we rarely used the car phone feature before.  Now we are putting it in use for sure. There are more do-dads on this new lease, it wears me out thinking about learning it all, but I intend to for just in case situations. I know, we are lucky to be able to do all of this and I am not ungrateful or unmindful of the suffering of others, it was just a moment for me and a dangerous one.  I do know enough to get off the road. That short time frame scared the bejeebers out of me.

There, the word of the day, bejeebers, from the little-used words of old. Every post will put one or more of these words to work again. (Oh, I also used discombobulated too.)

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...