Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Fate of Cook's Corner

Everything changes and much of the time we are unaware when it will happen and why. After three and a half years Lisa Abraham managed to bring Cook's Corner back to glory and now she is leaving.  This will be a perfect time for The Dispatch to drop Food and Life sections in the daily paper.  Especially the Cook's Corner section.  When Lisa started they slipped Cook's Corner in with the puzzles, cartoons, crosswords, and TV schedules.  Lisa managed to worm her way back into several of the pages, claiming them for the fans of Cook's Corner.  I know you can find any recipe on the Internet, but on Wednesday mornings after things quiet down I like to take my coffee and Cook's Corner and go out by the pool and enjoy living. Lisa is going to Kent State to write, but not about food.   She does not know who will take over, which is strange in itself.  Well, hopefully Wednesday morning will continue to come for me with or without Cook's Corner, but I would miss its comfort.

That section along with the news of her leaving carried the blue-ribbon winners from the fair. Dulce de leche bar cookies won best of show and they did look tasty.  But I am getting to be a lazy baker, so I probably won't make those.  The pineapple coconut sweet rolls read to be tasty, but yeast--lazy girl has definitely moved into Many Branches.  I think I will bake another of my new inventions: yellow coconut apricot cake.  It looks great and tastes even better. We have about a fourth of it left, but Joe and Glenda are coming on Thursday and staying until Monday.  I know they will enjoy the cake. So off to the kitchen to start preparing for company.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...