Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Sleet in the dark...scary

 Did you all survive the ice and snowstorm?  The sun is out and everything looks beautiful. Not so during the night and early this morning.  UPS was closed today because of this storm for the first time since the blizzard of '78. I think '78 was worse than this one although the ice storm in the dark of night was bizarre.

My second and last shot was yesterday and other than a sore arm, I felt great.  I slept so well last night and woke up with not one pain. Just like old times.

I didn't cook today but I made that catch-all Italian anti-pasta salad and now have to get to the Amish for supplies.  Their Jake and Amos or Amos and Jake pickled vegetables are delicious.  I enjoy putting the salad together with the pickled juice from the baby corn or cauliflower jars. I start with those two and then add whatever I can find: baby beets, okra, garbanzo beans or regular great northern beans, artichoke hearts, broccoli, squares of cheese,  sausage squares...well, you get the idea. Just put in what you like and pour the juice from either the baby corn or the cauliflower over the entire salad.  Don't drown it, but make sure each bite gets hit. Then, a shot of sriracha for a little kick and Bob's your uncle. Even Andy likes it...go figure.  You can't get him to taste a mushroom, but he likes this concoction.

Beth was fearless this morning she was on the road at a little after seven and can drive like a pro.  It is getting so Andy and I drive less and Mike and Beth picked up the slack.

Hello to my fellow Italy travelers, we are so lucky to have made the two-week trip before all hell broke loose.  I do think we are on the mend, however, and may travel again...but when? Until then, I am content to stay put.  I like it here.

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To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...