Monday, January 20, 2020

Trader Joe's shrimp burgers

Note: Egg whites are what holds the shrimp burgers together so well. I have a shrimp burger recipe from Cook's Corner that used egg whites, so it was an ahhhha moment.

Looking for a shrimp burger recipe from Trader Joe's (because their's cost $6.99 for four patties) I discovered several videos secretly shot in a Trader Joe's store which is a good and a bad thing. The one guy has been thrown out of three Trader Joe's stores for filming without permission.  He is very knowledgeable and his reviews are fair--the proof is on the package. He tells you about the good and the bad as far as content is concerned.  He did not do the shrimp burgers because they are new and not in the store where he filmed.  They are actually delicious, firm, packed with shrimp and they stay together when cooked right from the freezer.  I have had them outdoor grilled and pan-fried and there is nothing wrong with them taste-wise, but the price is ridiculous! So I am on the hunt trying to find out what is holding the tightly packed shrimp together.  I picture serving these at a party as hors d' oeuvres but you would really have to love your guests to have them stick those in their mouths. In my mind, I might be tallying up every bite unless, of course, I had had several glasses (tiny glasses) of Prosecco.

If anyone knows the secret of what holds these burgers together, let me know. Note: The secret is not egg whites, it is grinding a few raw shrimp together and they become gelatinous and you add that paste-like concoction to the raw whole shrimp and that holds the burgers together. Sept. 13, 2020.

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