Wednesday, March 29, 2017

What's for dinner?

I have fed thousands and am still at it.  I like to cook in the mornings at least trying out things that will be successful at the end of the day.  Today I fixed a few of Trader Joe's pot stickers by just sauteing them and then covering them with a lid at the last minute. Trader Joe has several different  pot stickers in his frozen food array and this one we have tried twice and like the results.  I have even been known to drop a few at the last minute into different kinds of soups.  It adds a nice surprise.  The stickers can go right from the freezer into the vehicle that will carry them to deliciousness.

The second thing is a meatloaf with the fabulous BQ home made sauce.  I think I have given you the recipe, if not, I must do that because to me it is the best.  However, I must say after tasting every bottled sauce there is (perhaps) I think BQ sauce is a matter of taste.  I just happened to find (and like) this easy recipe from on- line.

I put some of the sauce in the base of the loaf dish and then a generous amount on top and let it sit to room temperature then pop it in the oven at dinner time while we have an evening drink while watching The Five.  (We always need a drink while watching The Five  LOL) Especially if we have watched Judge Judy first.  By the way, I read that she works only fifty DAYS a year and makes 47 million dollars a year. Now don't get me wrong, we do not sit in front of the TV all day.  We don't turn it on until 4:00--that's the rule.  There are too many other interesting things to do in life.

Out of the oven meatloaf.

Image may contain: food

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...