Sunday, February 21, 2016

More reading from the blue chair~

I read cookbooks like novels but not in great gulps.  I leave the current read by my blue kitchen chair (that goes outside in the summer) and at a few times during the day I sit down there with the current new cookbook or an old dog-eared friend and read. I slip a paper between the pages of the recipe I want to try from that book yet sometimes I am so inspired I get up and produce something.  At times it is the very recipe and other times it is a hybrid inspired by a recipe that I have just read. I finished Ruth Reichl's My Kitchen Year and was pleased to leave her happy at the end.  She had quite a journey in the year after Gourmet, but she seemed 'fixed' by the year she spent in her kitchen cooking away and getting back in touch.  Honey & Company is now on the blue chair read.  I can stand maybe eight to ten pages at a time reading a cookbook, but then I have to 'do something'. Honey & Company is London based and I am eager to read on. (But I am also into Lisa Gardner's new book, Find Her, which is a psychological thriller and she is really good at what she does.)

Honey & Company, London.

Doris Lechler's photo.

Doris Lechler's photo.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...