Thursday, January 13, 2022

Happy New Year

 Hello everyone.  I hope your new year started off  happily. I got to go to Carfagna's twice in one day. I was so disappointed that I spent $300.  Andy sat in the car for an hour reading the paper and just as the bill was rising to an alarming rate, there he was staring in shock at the bill I was paying.  He said nothing on the way home then days later he said something about their prices and I knew it was the end of that store for him as well. Why: it was ugly to begin with and oddly placed.  The meat was all over the store in odd places and odd angles.  I had to ask twice about meat and finally they took me to it.  The staff was plentiful and very helpful.  I like them a lot.  I did not see any of the Amish products that they once had, but I got a case of their pasta sauce. Every thing I found was fresh (and expensive) but I knew I was not coming back.  I bought seven loaves of cheese bread to freeze for Andy's croutons and they were not baked long enough. Sigh. They were okay for croutons for baking in the oven. When they are warm from the oven they are delicious. Hence the second trip was to pick up the freshly baked bread. Their party case was wonderful with all kind of meats and cheese some of which I had never heard of. I did not find all that I wanted because I got tired of searching for the odd placement. I tried to find their wine and the display was stuffed back in a corner room that looked like it wasn't open.  I hope when you go you have better luck and I hope you enjoy it, but, it is not for me.

I haven't been doing too much but I have held my new great grand son. They say their family is complete but I think Stacy, who does all the hard work of bringing them into the world may have different ideas on the subject. She does produce great babies.

All the best to you this new year.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...