Tuesday, June 9, 2020

ribs and tots

I think I have told you about Sam's delicious ribs.  They are all done except for the last-minute heating and the separation of the ribs. Today I coupled them with mini tater tots with Hidden Valley spicy seasoning mix.  Corn for a side.  You know it is hot, but the AC is really showing off today and it is cool and rib ready. I thought we might have company, but I think everyone is staying inside.  Andy has been in the pool which is a perfect temperature.  We have a pool heater but we never use it.  I figure if you want warm water, take a shower.  The pool is to cool.

I have decided not to watch the news for several days.  I get so mad and sad and I don't want to spend my life watching turmoil unfold.

Book: Secret of the Chateau

Tonight Escape to the Chateau is on, unless the programmer goes amok and I do love that show.  I ordered a new fiction best seller today for my Kindle about three couples going together to buy a chateau in southern France...and then my Kindle took a rest and refuses to work...like some people. I am not at all technical and must rely on the kindness of others, but they are all too busy and WORKING.  They have not missed a beat and in that respect it is the same every year, eight months work, four months off and in Nate's case, that's four months travel.  I don't know how that will work this year, however.  He might have to stay in America.

Time to slice the ribs and get things set up.  Have a lovely eveening.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...