Monday, January 7, 2019

Sunday nights, and cozy days

I have grown very fond of Sunday night television.  At 6:00 on public television Downton Abbey is on for an hour.  Then Victoria came on after that and showed several episodes including the newest ones. I know it was after 11:00 when it was finished and I watched every second. Sadly the final one for the season is next Sunday and it seems it has just begun.  I don't understand programming. I am, however, grateful for WOSU and the shows they present. I know there are many more to come on Sunday nights.

I finally struggled through the latest Patterson book. Very disappointing, but then some might like it we can't all have the same taste.  I am determined to finish the newest Lee Child's book and it is another struggle. These two authors might want to hang it up.  They have had a good run. I just ordered Stuart Woods latest, said I wouldn't but I did and I read over half of it today.

I have two new products to figure out how to use. I wish I had not bought them, but I did so I am going to learn how to use them.  I have the pressure cooker/slow cooker.  I am still afraid of the pressure cooker but I could not resist the price slash, so I fell for it. This winter when I am trapped in the house and things are cozy and the fireplace is blazing, I will give it a go and probably fall in love with it.  Who knows? The other is an induction cooktop which looks to me like just another hot plate.
I will work on it.  Maybe I will find a big use for it when we have large gatherings.  But first I need to practice.  Next time something new comes on the market, stop me.

chocolate swirl brioche

I think Paris every time I find this euro classic French chocolate swirl brioche.  Last night I rediscovered it and it is just as soft and pillowy as I remembered. I used to get it at The Anderson's but that store has been gone for years and now high end apartments are being built there.  It looks like hundreds of them. 

Beth and I ran to two stores last night and Whole Foods was one.  I keep getting disappointed in Whole Foods because I remember it when it was really special.  The store had plenty of business and many empty shelves, so someone is buying there.  I am just not one of them.  I remember having a winter open house and I bought all of the desserts there.  It was an array like I have never had before out on the three seasons porch.  I kept the desserts there for the party so things would stay cool and perfect.  People were over joyed as they wandered out to the porch to select a beautiful tart or a lovely slice of cake.  It was a difficult decision because it all looked scrumptious. My favorite was their pear tarts; large or small, perfect.  The store had been open a short time and every department was one to be visited.  Sadly, I was eager to get out of there last night.

Fresh Thyme is the second store we visited last evening.  There are several locations in Columbus and we went to the one that is hidden in Worthington.  I would never have known it existed, but Beth knows where everything in Columbus is located. That's where I found the brioche products. I am not a chocolate lover, but I cannot resist this chocolate swirl brioche.  I will have it all to myself because everyone here is on a diet.  I will get to that, but not until this is gone. After all, the first wedding isn't until the end of April.

Image may contain: food

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...