Thursday, June 12, 2014

DELICIOUS by Ruth Reichl Or, Gag Me With A Spoon

               A better title would be Gidget Bakes A Cake.  I cannot finish this insipid, disappointing book!                              

Guess what I am doing today?  Ruth's book arrived late yesterday or I would have  been up all night.  Instead, I am sitting by the pool and reading this cover to cover, work forgotten.  Dogs fed, dishwashers going, everyone out the door full of frititta and Ruth and I are alone at last.  I have read everyone of her books, in fact, she got me through sleepless nights in Paris many times. She has a way with words using them to draw the reader into the fold.  If you have not read her, try: Tender to the Bone; Comfort Me with Apples; Garlic and Sapphires; Endless Feasts, and, For you, Mom, Finally.
Don't rush out to buy this book.  It is not as good as I had hoped and I may have trouble finishing it.  Maybe I need Paris to enjoy her work, but maybe she is just off on this one. (Or maybe I am off and stuck on Stuart Woods' books.  (Still like his work and I have read sixteen of his books so far; one while I was trying to get through Delicious.) I am, however, still working on Delicious, hoping for the best, but fearing the worst.

Roasted Strawberry-Miso Ice Cream
picture from

Speaking briefly about France, look at these French fresh through and through like a berry is supposed to look. When we find them here, like this, it is a real treat.  Otherwise, forget it as far as I'm concerned.

One of the new cakes from the Country Cook, Brandi, lured me into thinking I should picture it for you and make it.  Brandi now has a 'fix' on her pictures, which is a shame because they entice people to make the cake. But, alas, until I make the Lemon cake for you, you can't see it.  It reads tasty.  Can't do it today, I am reading Delicious, but if you want to try it...

One box of French vanilla cake mix.  Make the cake with the ingredients and directions on the back of the box. Pour the batter into a greased baking dish and take a can of Comstock lemon pie filling and put dollops of it all over the cake then swirl the contents around in any design you like.  It won't matter because it is going to sink into the cake any way.  Bake the cake at 350 until your oven indicates it's done, around 40 minutes.
Cool the baked cake.  For the frosting take one tub of lemon flavored frosting and one tub of thawed Cook Whip and mix them together really well and frost the cake with this mixture.  Cool again.
Note: She and I use Comstock pie filling but if you can't find it use any canned filling or make your own.  One might even try ready made lemon curd too--haven't done that, but why not?

Lemon Dream Cake. I just *love* lemon! And this cake is all about the lemon!  RECIPE HERE:  PIN IT FOR LATER:
The Country Cook  (I made this today and it is delicious.)
Lemon Dream ~ Never mind, I figured out how to get the picture, but do try The Country Cook on Facebook and on Pinterest. She's good.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...