Wednesday, January 16, 2019

picture albums

During the winter I like working on family picture albums.  I have finished seven BIG albums and just ordered another album online because all seven are plum full. No one can fault me for not keeping records of every family nuance. I have two albums on weddings alone.  Who knew there were so many so detailed in all aspects of those special days?

I would love to be able to show you the video of Madeleine reading a book to Mike. The inflections were spot on but not one word can he detect.  She 'reads Madeleinese' fluently, turning the pages as she goes, looking up to make sure he is attentive, showing him the pictures and then reading on. It is a hoot.

I made a big cabbage dish today.  Started off with bacon and pancetta lardons, then adding onions and diced potatoes then last of all cabbage and radicchio. Yum.  A cold weather favorite of practically no one--only mine and Beth's. I added soy sauce, and sriracha and a few other favorites for flavor.

I hardly look at the Dispatch's Cook's Corner anymore.  It comes on Wednesday as before, but it is of no interest to me now. It's a shame and I bet it will be no more one day soon.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...