Monday, November 11, 2019

British baking

Have you watched the Great British Baking Show on public television and now several episodes are on Netflix? I find it so calming and interesting.  On many many trips to London and the countryside, I felt that the British baking was exceptional in its simplicity and also in its indulgent stages as well. This television gives you an eye-opening view of every aspect of baking. While buying antiques was my main goal in England, I managed to visit many countryside bakeshops.  I also liked the raisin buns found in the larger tube stations.  It was perfect with a puddle of cream cheese concoction to welcome the raisins and the pastry. So perfect at the end of a great shopping day  Their bakery sticky cakes and loaves were wonderful as well.

Well, now I am cranky about the stupid programming of Public Broadcasting.  'They' have managed to screw up the perfect line up on Sunday nights by their scattered and frantic money whining and lack of attention to the series that they start to present and then suddenly hide.  Last night I was making up cuss words! Starting at 6:00 they are running Victoria which I am watching AGAIN.  Then they started running The Forsyth Saga only to abandon it , again, for another show that ended the week before...and the money plea. I did not like Jamestown at all, but that might have been because of the fits and starts  of their Sunday night line-up. Poldark, which is great, managed to get through their last or next to the last episode ever without being interrupted by another rerun or a plea for money. They need to get organized! They need a new program organizer scheduler or whatever; just get a grip or I may have to start watching me.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...