Thursday, December 5, 2019

The rental car

Well, I found out about a car that I don't want...a hybrid Hyundai. (I hope I spelled that correctly.)  We were cruising along in New Orleans and stopped for a red light and the car switched off.  Then when gas was applied it restarted by its self.  So we spent four days hic-cupping down the streets of New Orleans.  The rental agent failed to mention this 'feature'.  Had I been alone and driving it would have scared me.  But Mike knew what was happening and didn't mind it.  I am all for conservation but, really? It's enough worrying about the car falling into a giant pothole and now it is the stop and start of the car.

I bet some of you have started baking Christmas cookies.  I kind of miss doing that with family, but everyone's so busy now it is another fading tradition. My nieces and I started the weekend after Thanksgiving and we baked until a couple of weeks before Christmas. It was a glorious array.  Martha Stewart, on public television, on Saturdays bakes cookies of every kind and ilk.  I have not even seen most of them but she certainly presents them with aplomb.

I have a lovely soup on the stove having made it from yesterday's left over beef stew.  So these are my soup making years instead of my cookie years.

Cranberry cornmeal toasties from my kitchen today

Image may contain: food

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...