Monday, November 20, 2017

Make aheads

Image may contain: food

cranberry toasties, dish #13 completed so far

While my body is unkinking I am reviewing the list of what I have made ahead of the big day...well several big days ahead. The schedule is set and tomorrow things start happening: Monica comes to clean, thank you thank you, the next day Pam and George come to over night and to help me and to set up security cameras on the property...thank you, thank you, Oh yes, and the dogs go to the groomer and will be gone for the day (very nice touch, Doris.) Brooks comes home for the festivities for a few days so the beds are starting to fill up. The lights are up, the wreaths are in the windows, and the kitchen tree is up and loaded with food related decorations. Wednesday I go to pick up a load of magazines for my sister-in-law and to get my hair done. (Glenda and Joe are staying over for few days, until Sunday actually.)  This time next week it will all be over but the shouting. The tables are set for 18. Well, you know the preparations list; you have done it many times as have I.  It's family, it will get done.

So far I have, for our two turkey day meals, Ham and bean soup deluxe. beef and vegetable soup, homemade croutons for the dressing and soups, small pasta and beef dish, deluxe mac and cheese, cranberry sauce, zesty sausage soup, sweet potatoes with a special touch, stuffing, potato soup base for seafood soup. That's ten things so far and this day is just starting.

I am now un-kinked and ready for battle.  Wish me luck as I do you.

Dish number 12 finished.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...