Friday, July 24, 2015

Back in the reading mode~

I have a strange reading cycle.  I read like a son-of-a gun for six weeks and then I am finished for a long period of time.  Well, the reading time is back.  I have rediscovered Greg Iles.  I had read his Turning Angel  years ago and enjoyed it.  I then gave it to my brother-in-law, Joe, who still remembers it.  Then we both kind of forgot about old Greg. Recently I started Natchez Burning and it kept my attention, but really the reading mood had not hit me so I kept putting off continuing.  Now, after meeting all of the characters in the Quiet Game from early 2000, I am picking up Natchez Burning again.  Mr. Iles grabs the reading and holds on for dear life. The last few pages are so intense in The Quiet Game, that as soon as I finished the book, I sat down to write about the rediscovery.  Then I will go to Amazon and secure some more of his books. Note: In doing so, I bought Greg Iles' The Devil's Punch bowl.  I've started it and it is really good.)  Before starting this book, however, I went back to Natchez Burning and I am still having trouble with that one.

Recipe wise, I am still in Narnia, exploring, but not finding anything that spurs me to write. Maybe I have a cooking cycle too?  That's a thought.  Since cooking for a ( non family) wedding and July 4th, my kitchen has lost its appeal.  I hang out in there, but I am not thrilled about it. I will continue to look for inspiration and if you have something to bring me around, email me.  I'd like to eat something other than Andy's garden tomatoes on toast with mayo, salt and pepper--hmmm, that sounds good...I'm off.

Okay, it's starting; people are beginning to avoid me because I am making this garden variety of ratatouille mixing in shrimp or other seafood to make it look different from what it is every day.  Andy just peeked in the door announcing the tomatoes are 'coming on.'  Terror filled my heart because I just used up the produce on the outdoor table yesterday and thankfully Beth's book club was here last evening to eat the French dish made famous by the movie. Someone wanted the recipe and Beth and I had a good laugh over that. It's a busy day here today, so maybe I can give the produce away to the variety of workers coming to put this place in order. Shhh.  don't warn them or they will run.  Guess what they will be eating for lunch?

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...