Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Party with Family

As you can see from this view, Thanksgiving day was beautiful, so we made like Pilgrims and had two meals outside with the dining room, set for 28, reserved for when the sun went down and candlelight was needed for dinner.

Joe, Glenda, Pam and George came up a day early and spent the night to help me.  They had breakfast outside which was pleasant and a lead in to an over 60s degree day of sun and fun.

Three tables were set for the evening meal with the old majolica turkey tureen from England claiming the center stage year after year.

Car loads of college students arrived in different shifts and we were able to get a group picture with all but Alyssa and Brooks who got here a few minutes short of a picture. Dusk was falling fast, so we had to shoot.

During the day several outdoor card games and basketball games were taking place and another bag toss game of some sort was happening.  No one wanted to stay inside on a day like that--a day we are not likely to enjoy again until spring.

The porch bar was set up and many trips in that direction took place all day and evening.

After the group picture it was time to light the candles and carve the bird(s). What a lovely time we had and we are thankful that so many continue to be able to join us in celebration each year.  Bless them all.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...