Monday, May 15, 2017

Settle into summer~

It's the day after a very lovely Mother's Day here at Many Branches.  The sun is shining, the dogs are at the spa (groomer), and it is a quiet and peaceful time to enjoy coffee under the pergola by the pool.  A little tanning would not be amiss. What makes it especially nice is Johnny Contrell has a man who is coming once a week to do some work around here.   Andy does the pool and he and I can mow but the weed whacking and surface blowing and power washing...well you know the routine if you own a home.
Something needs doing ALL the time.

Andy and I are going to Oakland Park Nursery and also to an out of town nursery called Dills.  We are finishing up the containers running up the guest apartment steps  Geraniums are what we usually plant; vivid red ones leaving a lovely trail leading to one entrance to the apartment. The selection, however, as we found out yesterday leaves a lot to be desired.  Customers ravaged the flower sections of the stores and nurseries this year. Columbus is going to be pretty as the blooms strut their stuff this season.

Before we leave I am going to put a rolled pork shoulder roast in the slow cooker with potatoes, carrots, celery, and carrots, and green beans.  I'll use this roast in many ways and it is so delicious at the end of the day.  I look forward to a drink before dinner while smelling the contents of the slow cooker wafting through the house. Life is good.

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To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...