Saturday, May 4, 2019

photo mini printers

I am technically challenged and there is no doubt about it.  So when Beth bought me a mini picture printer for Christmas one year it sat in the closet for about a year.  One time Alyssa visited and we were off.  In no time pictures from our phones were shooting out beautiful pictures with high glossy color.  It never went back in the closet.

In two weeks Beth and I will be in New Orleans for Alyssa's shower and I am going to surprise her with one of the cordless mini printers that you can even carry in your purse.  That way she can document every event of her wedding year.  I have a Kitchen Aid mixer already in New Orleans for her but I think this mini printer will out do that. I could wait until June when there is a second shower in Columbus, but I am in a hurry for her to start picturing for posterity.

I think we could mow two times a week now that the grass has been fed and showers have awakened the roots. Everything is so green, it looks like Ireland. Yea Spring.

I am on my third season of Game of Thrones. Wow!  You think we have violence now... Beth treated me to 3 months of HBO just so I could watch the series.  Before that I had seen the first series and series 8, the most current, so filling it in is interesting.  I watch it in the dark because the lighting is so very dark during the battles and in the dungeons--a lot of battles and a lot of dungeons.  I am glad I live now and not back then. Ugh. Don't they ever take a bath?  The same with the series on public TV, Jamestown.  There is only one clean blond on the entire show, although the women on that show tend to be much cleaner than the men.  I think it is distracting...while you are at it, cut your hair too.

We are off to the flower sellers for the last of the containers plantings.  The herbs are doing so well this year.  Our enormous Rosemary bush is not doing too well and Mike is glad.  He has a time hauling that thing in and out of the conservatory every year.

Happy spring.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...