Friday, January 5, 2018

Fish Chowder rings true today

Enough already!  This cold spell has the facets running (when we are lucky) the plumber visiting (when we are not lucky) and we are tired to death of this cold snap. I usually don't mind winter because it means I do not have to work outside making things pretty, but enough is enough.  I have finished K.L. Slater's book The Mistake, which was really good and ordered The Liar from Amazon Kindle.(Liar was excellent; I have found a new author to pillage.)   Also finished the second book of Mimi Thorisson and have started the first one.  I go cover to cover, every word with these tomes, but seem to be sticking to my old tried and true recipes and adding and subtracting as the mood hits me.  I am going to try to cook from the freezers which are loaded and the pantries which are screaming to be relieved.  I have enough food here in this house to feed an army for several days straight.  I could call the Cincinnati Lechlers and they would rush to relieve me of some of those lovely products provided they are cooked and ready to consume.  They are my most appreciative eaters and I enjoy cooking for them.

It's sad that the trees are down and the porch lighting is ready to be dismantled, but saddest of all is when the wreaths go down.  The house looks so merry with the big red bows waving at passers by wishing them Merry Christmas as they rush home from work.  BEfore we know it we will be hanging them again, God willing.

Here comes Andy with the white fish for the stew and the McDonalds breakfast to get me through while assembling everything.  I have the salmon and the shrimp ready to go.  Talk to you later with maybe a picture if I can get it done.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...