Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Helloooo, anyone out there?

I want to be sure to have you look into The Australian Women's Weekly cook books which are really glossy, wonderful pictures and recipes (tested three times each) in slick magazine form. They have been turning out weekly magazines for seventy years. Now they have now been taken over by a London firm, but the care is still there. Some of the magazines have been reprinted due to demand, but it is the original set that I bought in London that means more to me. I have, however, been receiving some that I bought through Amazon and I now have a subscription from London for a year. If you can resist these pictures, then you are better women than I.

This picture of coconut and sour cream cheesecake...wonderful, isn't it?

This Sunday we had a rib roast with mashed potatoes and noodles. I fixed a new dish of my own making; fresh cauliflower with fresh tomatoes, corn off the cob and cheese. It is a gratin, after all, with bread crumbs and butter on top. The men in the family, and I, gobbled it up. A nice meal to intro into the fall season and a salute to the passing summer. I've enjoyed this summer, short though it seems.

Andy and I are looking forward to going to Hilton Head with Andy's brother's family in October to see Andrew off to the Marines. We've rented a nice big beach house and will spend a week or so there with them and then Glenda and Joe and Andy and I are off to visit J.D., Johnna, and David Lechler in Florida where we will be on the beach again for a few days.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...