Monday, July 2, 2018

In the mood to cook, but ouch

I got so much done so far today that I asked Andy to go to Kroger for a list of interesting items to turn into something delicious.  We are having taco night tonight around the pool so we can jump in at a moments whim.  Beth's Bible group is coming tonight so I want to fix a snack for them. I have done chicken salad already this morning and I want to do another batch of Rice Krispy treats for the Bible girls.

I am trying to ignore the spot where a motorcycle ran into me in Paris, well actually Chartre, I was there for an auction and trying to cross the street when a man on a large motorcycle scraped under my breast with the handlebars and knocked me to the ground.  I lay across four lanes of STOPPED traffic and the French do not usually stop for anything.  Luckily I had a heat wrap with me and used that during the night.  They wanted me to go to the hospital to be checked out, but I was afraid I would miss the auction.  I was sore but on foot.  Yesterday that spot started ticking away at me; not awful, but a reminder that it is time to see the doctor for my yearly checkup.  After all, Andy and I are in our doctor's top ten healthiest seniors list and he is head of Genetics at OSU. That is a broad scope.

I can't wait to see what my personal shopper brings home this morning.  Andy usually does a really good job, but sometimes he goes out on a limb and what to do with 'it' is a real question.

I found a great product but can't recall where I got it.  I think Carfagna's, but today I want to make sure because the jar is empty and we are all whining about that.  Hershbergers Cannery hot sweet thinly sliced pickles.  Man, I am putting it in everything except the Rice Krispy the way those ten bags of marshmallows are now down to 3 bags left. I thought we could never use ten bags of marshmallows; one of Andy's surprise specials from Kroger.  I don't want ten bags of anything after this run.

Lovely day for a dip, but right now my man is driving up the driveway with some interesting items, so start your stoves and make something good today.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...