Monday, June 8, 2020

Hearts of Artisan Tanimura lettuce

I have a lovely pasta casserole with Bob Evans zesty sausage in the oven.  Also a really big delicious salad with deviled eggs.  Tanimura artisan lettuces are wonderful.  All the artisan lettuces are hearts of lettuce only standing in a big plastic container and you just pull one out and make a delicious salad with no riff-raff to throw away...meaning outer leaves that are wilted.  They are sturdy little soldiers and they hold up well to nice thick homemade dressings. (That lettuce is at Marc's in Columbus.)

Yesterday the pool was in full use.  Matt, Stacy, and their girls came over for dinner and a swim.  I think it is going to be a habit because the weather has decided to be summer full blast.  Tomorrow it is to be 92 degrees.  They are also coming for Father's Day.  I thought about having a big get-together for Father's Day and why not, we have behaved ourselves and followed directions staying home for several months while people are running willy-nilly in the streets, looting and acting crazy while yelling to defund police.  I know who they should defund, I can tell you that!  And, it is NOT the police.  Alyssa's new husband is a first responder firefighter in New Orleans.  Can you imagine what would happen there if the police were defunded in that city?

Downtown Abbey played all week-end, all 45 seasons, and it was so nice to watch on WOSU public television. I loved that series. Television in general has had no season at all and now it is summer and they never have a summer season except for re-runs.

I have run out of good reads, so I will have to get to that pretty quick.  I tried JoJo Moyer's Horse Dancer, but it is not for me.

Well everyone is driving in, so off I go.  Have a good evening.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...