Thursday, March 26, 2020

Sun tan in March

Yesterday was lovely and I started a suntan while soaking up vitamin D.  The sun is out again today but does not feel as strong, maybe this afternoon will bring on the glaring rays.  I love the sun.

I have a lovely chicken pot pie prepared for dinner.  All I have to do is pop it in the oven. 

I am just finishing up a Bend in the Stars and have ordered (to Kindle) Fly Away by Kristin Hannah. I liked a Bend in the Stars but found it a little too long or maybe I am just ready for something lighter since I feel an end to this virus madness coming on. I could be wrong and we are not taking any chances but I have faith in America.

I have no faith, however, in finding any good television in the evening.  I never watch during the day but I do like a good evening of television.  It would not hurt them to drop some of the new episodes or new shows in this time of sheltering in place. The public television programmer is simply confused. It's annoying the interruptions in shows that we endure.

Remember the 80 pounds of rice that my son bought from Walmart?  We have yet to cook a grain of it. If we can ever have guests again they can be sure of a rice dish in the mix...

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...