Monday, February 20, 2017

Where have I been one might ask...

I have been absent from my blog due to my phone bucking and bullying for several days.  Somehow the camera refused to send pictures until I just now adjusted the darn thing and suddenly it worked, so here I am once more with goodies and ideas gleaned from a late Sunday night trip to Trader Joe's with Beth.  Riced cauliflower and riced broccoli have resulted in a delightful soup with pepper bacon accents.  I did not even have to get the food processor out because you can now buy this short cut at Trader Joe's.  The soup takes minutes to prepare and you have a lovely result.

          Then there is the bread pudding that I made from Anderson's brioche. That's a sad story.  This wonderful general store is closing its four stores forever.  It was a shock to Columbus I can tell you that.  Andy and I went over the day the closing was announced and we had to wait for a place to park.  Too late, they said. It is a done deal.  We are closing.  Their products were wonderful.  Lisa, who writes Cook's Corner in Columbus, asked them for their recipes to feature in her food section of the Dispatch and they said no.  So when they are done, they are done, and I understand that concept. (Now I can't get this picture on. ) No peace.Bread pudding made from Anderson's brioche.

Ahhhh, there it is.

Image may contain: food
Image may contain: food

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...