Sunday, September 2, 2012

Labor Day 2012

I am posting before having a drink so that I can get the festivities recorded.  Happy Labor (less) Day.

Prime Rib
Our beautiful dinner roast.  George is our carver. Ten pounds of prime rib served over twenty people with all the trimmings and beef and noodles with the left overs on Tuesday.

Day after: Hovering between rain and no rain we were able to have a normal holiday with swimming, games and, as you can see, plenty of food.  Not a rain drop fell after weeks of forecasting that the tropical storm was coming to visit. It was HOT and humid, however. The only other snag was now my camera has decided after taking only three pictures at a time then its memory is full.  Time for a new camera.

BJ Lechler in from California with Pam.

Photo: Cucumber salad.  Ahhh, summer. Everyone left with a big bag of Andy's tomatoes and containers of various soups to get them through the work week ahead.

Nate's morning glories after a good rain.


To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...