Thursday, June 25, 2020


Andy and I agree, we are lazy and enjoying this isolation way too much. We read, swim, move to the computer, back to reading, Andy waters the container plants, and reads.  I cook, read, do the computer, cook some get the drift. I am reading The Emerald Comb and I am hooked.  This is the third or fourth book by this author and I have pretty much liked them all.

I stay away from TV during the day and the computer news; it is too upsetting. I still like the evening television, but the line up is awful.

Today we are having stir-fry.  I have cleaned the fridge and everything I see seems to fit into the stir-fry skillet. Beth and Nate like it very much as do I.  Andy is afraid of some of the ingredients, afraid I have slipped in some mushrooms.  I have not, but the artichoke bottoms look like mushrooms and have the same texture, so he will skip this treat, thank you very much. I hear the lid for the last time, so the skillet is now empty.  Too late, Andy.

I hope you are all well and happy and are, perhaps, enjoying this quiet time with your family.

An all vegetable and cheese gratin:

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...