Monday, April 10, 2017

Fine days at Many Branches

I have tried four times to post this simple message and picture.  Here's hoping it works this time.
Yesterday was bliss.  The day was perfect in every aspect.  Andy, Beth and I took the truck to the nursery and loaded it twice.  Here is one of Beth's displays.  She is so talented.

We are expecting around 25 people for Easter day.  This week is getting ready for the gang.  Thankfully we have scheduled a lot of help for work I used to do alone.  Seriously, take the help when you can get it.  Makes everything so much better.  Today Maribelle is here to do the windows inside and out and one oven and maybe the two floors where the cleaned rugs will be laid on Wednesday. She comes back tomorrow for the rest of the house. Wednesday the rug men will be working magic and then the tables will be laid.  I was going to try for an outside feast for one of two meals, but I have to see how the weather shakes out.  Thursday the Yard Helpers group comes for obvious reasons.  Friday is a blur.  Saturday George and Pam arrive to help, to run around, and to eat out with 10 of us at Texas de Brazil.(like there is not enough food around here.)  David and JD arrive Thursday; Brooks arrives Friday, and everyone else comes Sunday. Yea.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...