Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Having fun, are we?

 Long story short, the squirrel is dead and out of the house and it only cost $250.! I am trying to justify this in my head, but, we couldn't do it and it is a business, and they were kind and efficient and they got the job done.  We are simply going to have to watch what we are doing in this squirrel, coyote, deer riddled property. If they would only stay put and not try to join the family it would not be so costly, and they are pretty, and it is nature.  There, I have convinced myself.

Andy is leaving now to get his second shot. I hope it all goes as well as the first shot.  I go on Monday.

Preparing for old age, the chair lift goes in next week. They wanted to do it today, but we have so much happening right now. And, we are not in a hurry for that thing which is wonderful but not pretty. I am grateful that we can do it, but that does not make it pretty.

My shepherd's pie yesterday was not as good as the one a couple of weeks ago. But, it will have to do. I am not concocting today.

I wonder what you are doing today? Are you having as much fun as I am?

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...