Monday, March 2, 2015

Wild about coconut~

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I am wild about coconut.  As a little girl I used to eat it by the handful from the Baker's Coconut bag.  I enjoy it on everything but fish or meat...although I have not tried coconut shrimp, it just does feel right to me; sort of like waffles and chicken.  Just saying. The Mennonite Girls have come up with this two ingredient crust that even I can make.  It is to be filled with coconut cream from your favorite recipe.  Yippeee. A crust that I can do.
Just melt 5 tablespoons of butter and stir it with an 8 ounce bag of Baker's Coconut (it's the best.) Press the results of this marriage into a glass pie dish and ring the rim with foil so the edges do not get black.  Put it in a preheated oven of 350 degrees and bake for 10 minutes then take off the foil and bake for 5-8 minutes more until it looks like this picture. Make sure it is cooled before you fill it with your favorite pie filling, but how could you not use coconut cream as the filling? Slurp.

After whining about the weather, today the birds are singing and building little condos in our gutters outside my lady's room or woman cave as the family calls it.  Evidently these girls are territorial because they spend their days chirping insults as invaders try to take over their homes.  What will happen when a good rain comes? It is a perfect spot with the slate hanging over the gutter just enough to keep the area cozy for accident, I am sure, but the birds are enjoying the mistake.

Even though ice is covering everything this morning, Andy, age 79, left for classes at Ohio State.  He is taking three subjects and is eager as ever for learning to begin.  Bless his heart.

'Spring is coming; the daffodils are blooming >'
Spring is coming.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...