Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Food and plans

I have declared myself queen of left-overs! We are shopping today after Andy gets home from class and I cleaned the fridge so it will be ready for the in-coming load of goodies.  After all, Easter is around the corner and cooking has begun.  I had left over chicken pot pie and I used this filling sans the crust as layers between the potatoes onions and cheese.  It has been in a slow oven for an hour and thirty minutes and I had a taste.  Very pleasing if I do say so myself. The fresh herbs have spent the winter growing in the conservatory and this dish is blessed with them.

Super scalloped potatoes ready for the oven

Nate comes home tomorrow after three and a half months of travel.  He has been to Hawaii twice, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, France and Germany.  He has been inside a glacier and has seen animals and birds and plant life strange and beautiful.  He has met the most wonderful young women and I don't see how we can keep him down on the farm (so to speak) after this exceptional trip. But, this is his third such trip and he always comes home eager to work and full of happiness.  Nate has made great choices and he is enjoying the fruit of wise ways.

The painter is here to paint the ceiling in the kitchen and hall.  When the weather gets better he is doing all the wood on the property, especially the pergola...no small job that!  Winter is over and so is the quiet, slow, peace. And, oh joy, April 4th is our 59th wedding anniversary and we are spending it in a lawyer's office hammering out our will. Still, life is good and better than the alternative.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...