Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Baking today :cheesecake and coconut zucchini bread

The pool is ready for the week end party.

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Image may contain: food

The place is hopping this week; Andy is back in classes at OSU and company is coming starting Friday.  I have baked a cheesecake with a new rece\ipe from the cream cheese label and coconut zucchini bread from a recipe on carlsbadcravings' Facebook and blog. Pam is bringing pies so there will be a dessert station as usual, but with some different items.  The cheesecake recipe that I have used for forty years has been over taken with the new one, but it has not been tasted.  How can you go wrong with a recipe from the cream cheese box with twice the cream cheese? I've left the pull papers under the bread to show you that those papers help lift the bread from the pan and are quite useful.  I get them on Amazon kitchen and baking supplies.

I am currently mad at Amazon.  We recieved a bill for nearly $150. for membership and late fees.  I have never used my Amazon credit card, never received a bill until the one with $106. membership dues (like that is ever going to happen) and $50. in late fees???????????? Why on earth would I use Amazon's credit card when I use the one I've had for many years and the one I always use for my purchases.  They want $106. to carry their card? NO THANKS. So watch out.  I have been loving Amazon, but now, not so much.

The new cheesecake recipe cracked just as all my cheesecake recipes do.  I don't mind because I always cover them with goodness, however, a guy friend who always brings cheesecakes to my parties told me to cover the pan with foil and set it on a tray of water (bain marie) to bake.  I did that and even left it in the oven with the door open for an hour after it was baked and it split anyway  I never have left over cheesecake, so I think this will be all right too.

By the way, this springform pan is 57 years old.  I bought it for $8. at May & Co. in LA when Andy and I were first married and he was sent to California to work on a rocket project.  $8. for a pan was unheard of back then, but it has made many people happy with what has been baked within its walls. I will pass this pan down to my successor on the kitchen front, hopefully, many years from now...maybe we can both make it to 100; who knows?


Image may contain: food and indoor

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...