Friday, February 5, 2016

Chicken soup with rice~it's nice

Doris Lechler's photo.

The most popular and easiest dishes at the beach house this January were the crockpot soups.  Today I have a couple of rotisserie chickens and a bag of basmati rice and loads of vegetables, so chicken soup with rice will be the dinner tonight. I have taken the meat from the bones and now the bones, vegetables, seasoning and water are bubbling away making a delicious broth for the finished product.  If it does not taste right I will add an envelop of Gourmet Crockpot seasoning that I buy by the dozen to keep on hand to enhance different broths. It is spring like here in Columbus, but soups are still on the minds of the family because it is February.

Alyssa is coming home Saturday.  Her graduation puppy is waiting to be picked up and she is totally ready for her to be carried on the plane to New Orleans where Alyssa has a darling apartment which has all the accouterments for a special dog. I don't know what our four dogs are going to think of the little ball of all white fur, but...someone is going to have to adjust.  I have a nice Falter's ham ready for the Sunday table and plans for the juicy bone to make different kinds of bean soup.  Easter is near at hand and the freezers have the room, so why not?

I have been making chicken meatballs with a touch of red pepper flakes from Carfagna's chicken meatball mix.  The meatballs are delicious and I put them in any number of soups.I cannot stand those frozen meatballs that can be bought by the bag in the markets. They taste strange, so I make my own from the meat counter at the Italian speciality store named Carfagna's.

Doris Lechler's photo.

Making broth for chicken soup/rice.

Chicken meatballs for the soup.
                                  Doris Lechler's photo.
                         Image result for pictures of chicken soup with rice

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...