Monday, September 2, 2019

Sure way to Andy's heart

Andy loves my homemade granola.  He pines for it when it is gone.  Since I use two big boxes of old fashioned oats, the job to make this item takes a lot of time. It is worth it to see the joy he displays when it is finished and ready to be sampled.

It is Labor Day but it does not seem like it.  I am used to a big crowd of family being here but the day crept up on me and I did not realize it was near until a couple of days ago. Well, another time, but not before these trips.  I got the suitcases out today to give them a going over.  I took five to Mr. Shoe who worked on the zippers and anything else that needed doing.  The trouble is the biggest one that I need has zipper pull issues.  So back over we go to get that fixed. (I am glad I am not planning this wedding.  I worry about zipper pulls and Alyssa worries about the important stuff.)

The finished product:

Image may contain: food and indoor

There will be at least six trays like this when I’m done. I’ve gone crazy. Posy is after the fallen oats.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...