Friday, May 14, 2021

fresh fruit

Andy and I just got back from Sam's.  I was prepared to go maskless but caught a glimpse of the crowd and they were all wearing masks. Sigh.  So I put mine on. The this and that that the government is putting out there does not match and it is very confusing. But, that is not why I am blogging. The strawberries... the first of the season from the Driscoll company, wow, they are red through and through and so beautiful. Large, juicy, and not days old, but hours old or so it seems.

Our trunk was full and I just placed the last items. Thankfully.  I always buy too much and then fret about storage. I put a slow cooker on with fresh green beans, ham, corn, and potatoes for dinner.  I have a bevy from which to choose and I want to make it all at once, as usual. I bought a nice corned beef to make for Mike to take to Matt on Saturday night.  When he lived with us, that was his favorite meal. He will soon, in December, have another mouth to feed and we are all looking forward to helping out.

Well, Andy is rested up from the trip to Sam's and we are off to buy me some loungewear, now that I have time to lounge.  Life is great. When the doctor asked how are you, I said perfect.  He said life cannot always be perfect Well, it is simply darn close to it for me. I love this time of life. The doctor has to hear a litany of sad stories day in and day out, so it is difficult for him to see a woman with a near-perfect life, but there you have it.

I think the July 3rd party here at Many Branches is a go. Let's see who will be coming.  I hope it is a crowd. The pool has had a face lift and is looking the best ever, so here's hoping there will be swim attire in the cars coming up the drive.Note: On the 3rd, we are having family from Florida and California, and Cincinnati so far. Yea.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...