Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What fresh hell is this?

After spending another three hours at the bank I believe we are once again as secure as we can be.  Someone repeatedly did a number on all our accounts but now they are under fraud watch for a long, long time.  Trust is running low here at Many Branches and we are seeing crooks everywhere we look.  I guess we will get over it but all those hours of fretting and working with the poor banker--he is our current hero, are hours we will never get back.

Yet, I cooked on.  For some reason, I am driven to cook no matter what.  We had the most delicious tacos yesterday.  We usually have a Memorial Day crowd for the day, but this year it was uneventful and relaxing. We look forward to July 4th activities and of course Matt's wedding in September with the day after celebration here.  Back to tacos, they are a messy bit of deliciousness, it's a shame one is covered in it after the feast. No matter the wrap, it spills out.  I think layering in a bowl is much more pleasant in the eating.

Tonight we are throwing steaks on the grill and eating al fresco.  I look forward to a fret-free rest of the week although a car search is in the cards; how I hate looking for and at cars! Just  another several hours of fresh hell as far as I'm concerned.

On a positive note; I am positive that Netflix's Anne of Green Gables is a great thing to watch.  Also, House of Cards is to be on today!  YEA,  this is all good.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...