Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Zucchini Champs, Kate and Sam. Well done.

There is a problem getting the twins pictures up on this blog.  Maybe it is a new protection device.  It's a shame because the pictures are so cute.  Both Matt and I have worked on this, but they appear and then they are gone.

Here are the twins with their prize zucchini that no one else could stand to deal with this summer. We took these two giant vegetables to Cincinnati and turned them over to Kate and Sam, who will start kindergarten this fall, and THEY dealt with the zucchini with plenty left over to freeze for winter projects. These girls are clever as can be and their mother, Annie, is constantly teaching them, so look out.  They are something! Their chocolate zucchini bread looks delicious and it is a recipe that I posted early in summer.  I understand they are starting their cooking journals and these pictures will be a super start creating memories for when they are too old to carry these cudgels. (These girls are Jim Lechler's grand children...he's the one with two sets of identical twins.)

Actually I could use these girls today.  Three of us with five degrees among us could not produce one string of pasta from this @#@$%^&*Philips pasta machine!  It is easier and cheaper to buy it ready to go.

Does a rocket have this many parts?


To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...