Monday, June 5, 2017

A rainy day bake

I haven't been in the mood to bake for weeks.  But today is different.  The kitchen door is wide open while a gentle rain kisses the grateful plants and flowers and all is right at the moment.  Peace does not make me want to bake nor does baking give me peace as many people suggest; I just have to do it when I don't have to do it. So today is the day.  I have a cranberry and salted peanut bread in the oven. I just used whatever struck my fancy from the baking cupboard and I saw homemade orange cranberry sauce left over in the fridge. It bakes for an hour so I can't tell you how it will be.  I know the color will be a little strange because I did not spare the cranberry sauce.

Yesterday I search Netflix to find something to please me and noticed the British House of Cards.  Forget it.  It is awful.  I saw only a few minutes of it and felt sleepy in the middle of the day.  TV will be going to sleep too now that summer is on its way.  Sometimes a new show sparks interest but mostly, as you know, it is reruns galore.

I was hoping Joe and Glenda could come up for a few days to play cards and chat, but she is still in therapy for several more weeks.  I had the menu all planned but there it is...the best-laid plans go amok.

Andy is away car shopping; fresh hell is afoot because I am going to have to get into the fray sooner or later.  Now I've gone and spoiled my day with that thought.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...