Monday, April 17, 2017

Bon Appetit...Now We May Eat

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
The weather report called for 90% chance of rain Easter Day and we had 25 guests coming and every bed in the house and apartment was full.  But, you don't fool with the weather goddess when it comes to events and the weather.  When we had David's wedding reception outside with dancing on the tennis court and tents galore, it rained every place in Columbus except Cooke Road.  People were amazed, but not a drop fell on this stretch of road the entire night.  Easter Day was no exception and it was so pleasant to be outside.  When Pam and George arrived a day early to help, Pam gave me an amazing addition to my cookbook library from George's Aunt Karen Agnor.  This was her second cookbook and I cannot wait to delve into those recipes.  I do love a clean house and a good cookbook.  I read them like novels. As I cook through the book I will share some favorites.  Thank you, Karen.  Thanks, too, to George for repairing my 58- year- old spring form pan by riveting it back together.  I bought it on our honeymoon/work trip in California (for six months) for $8. at May & Co.

We had the best boneless prime rib and instead of regular potatoes and gravy, I fixed funeral potatoes.  That was one empty dish at the end of the meal and an easy one to put together although in our case Pam did the work on that special addition.  The recipe was from Pioneer Woman (on TV)  but I noticed another version in Karen's book this morning.  I will have to try the many combinations for funeral potatoes called that for obvious reasons--well, maybe not.  It was carried to memorials and buffets for after a funeral when everyone used to carry in a dish for the grieving family. (It didn't actually cause the death. lol)

Image may contain: one or more people, tree, grass, sky, child, outdoor and nature

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...