Thursday, August 1, 2019

What a day!!!!

We got up at seven this morning and looked out back and discovered our golf cart had been stolen. Turns out it was the get-away car for much-stolen goods from cars in the Marland neighborhood north of us.  It ended up over by the Clinton Township Police Department near a run-down housing complex.  How on earth could that golf cart hold a charge going many miles and still was able to have been driven to the police station by a policeman for our pick up.

I knew when I woke up it was going to be fresh hell day:  Winston was sick and had not eaten for two days and Andy announced he had called the plumber--three things and it was barely light out.  Ever have one of those days? Luckily, the Dispatcher at the police department was wonderful.  (I've had some who were NOT.) She got on the trail right away sending Officer Bales to our house in a few minutes to write up a report.  By noon the golf cart was sitting in our driveway being charged up thanks to the fast police work. It had been driven many miles. At the same time, Winston started eating, so he was well again, and the plumber only had to replace that flap thing in the tank. 

Needless to say there is no cooking going on at Many Branches today.  I hope your day is peaceful and happy. 

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...