Thursday, November 13, 2014

Many Branches holidays~ and more cookies

Yesterday after baking the best batch of butterscotch dessert cookies I ever produced, I was sitting at my computer picturing this latest baking endeavor when the UPS man appeared outside with a package.  The dogs barked a hello and I looked up and there was Tim Green, a former student at my school and one I liked very much.  I thought he had left UPS and I thought he had no hair, but there he was with hair grinning his usual charming grin and I thought COOKIES.  I was still in my night attire, but I some how HAD to give Tim cookies.  I rushed to the kitchen grabbed a freshly bagged sack of cookies and started running and screaming down the long driveway--he was too fast for me or maybe that is why he was running and jumping into the open cab and strapping himself in to get away from this crazy woman in a nightgown trying to give him cookies.  It wasn't Tim.

We are ahead of the decorating game.


To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...