Thursday, May 2, 2019

One down more to go--

I have become a slug when it comes to the blog.  I may be talked out.  But, I promise you things will get more interesting because this is a big event year.  We enjoyed the wedding of Alex and Kyle, both doctors beginning their Residency. We danced and acted crazy which makes a wedding reception a happy place to be.  There were about 300 people there and the dance floor was crowded but it worked!

In two weeks Beth and I leave for New Orleans for four days.  I am packing now looking forward to seeing the New Orleans family branch and attending Alyssa's shower.  Shower number one.

I have been enjoying the testing of all my new olive oils from The Olive Scene.  The Blood Orange remains my favorite.  There is a sample bottle of good balsamic vinegar that I am eager to try. Today I marinated pork cutlets or breakfast pork for sandwiches.  I look forward to seeing how that works because the Olive Scene oil played a big part in the marinade.

We have had such a bad time cleaning the pool this year.  It was black when opened and now is simply holding on to cloudy. Poor Andy, he's spending so much time on it and the pool guys have been here twice so far and need to come again. Andy did not want the pool in the first place.  He came home one night to see an enormous hole in the back yard...sigh.
Under normal circumstances:

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...