Thursday, April 9, 2020

Follow the fork 5

Are you stir crazy yet? We are still content as of now with the back yard looking like Easter.  Blue skies and green green grass and the Douglas Pear spraying white petals over the property ensure Easter is on its way.  The wind is kicking up this morning and I am grateful that the neighbors' cottonwood trees are not ready to 'snow' on everything yet.  A few more days of pristine property would be welcome. (Well, not pristine, but really pretty.)

In the oven today is a chuck roast surrounded by its natural companions of carrots and potatoes.  I am slow roasting the devil out of this well- seasoned gift from the freezer while longing for some fresh herbs to bury among the carrots and under the beef. Each time I do a stew now days I wonder if this is the last of the soup and stew season.  So far they are still welcome.

Andy is really enjoying ordering from Kroger on line.  You won't believe the wait, however, for pick -up.  He ordered on Monday and today, Thursday at 3:00, is his pick-up time. That is how backed up they are and yet they are doing as well as they can. I miss going into the stores but you won't catch me doing that for awhile. Andy may do the shopping on line from now on even after this disaster is done.

I have discovered something wonderful.  Escape to the Chateau is also on Tuesday nights at 7:00 on WOSU and they have started from the beginning and the first two episodes were new to me.  I was so excited when I wandered onto public television and there was actually something, that Tuesday night, that made me happy.  Now if the programmer does not go wonky and stick some other show on in that time slot to meander hither and yon, I will be a happy woman.

Even I am bored with this entire post.  Don't read it, it is simply not too interesting. I will try to do better the minute that something interesting happens...don't hold your breath.

 I am reading A Man Called Ove, by the way, and it is holding my interest so far. But, the book that I really liked that was given to me last evening called  Just Paint It Red and Forget About It by a Columbus author Gwynyth Lozier Mislin. It is so well written and done with humor.  She is doing a Bleuette book  and it is in the works.


To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...