Thursday, January 10, 2019

Pork bun soup

Remember the pork roast with roasted vegetables from yesterday's post? It reappears today in soup form with pork buns addition. The vegetables are multi-colored carrots, celery root, potatoes, and green beans. I added home-made chicken stock, soy, sriracha and a little pepper.

This is our first snowy day, light and pretty and that always sends me to the kitchen.  so I am leaning into the fridge today and pulling out interesting ingredients.  The trouble is my best eater is heading south to send her son, Brooks, off to Iraq. Why are we still there???? Now that is going to be 9 months of worry for all of us.

We are knee deep in preparations for Italy. We ladies are planning a nine-day tour of Italy before landing in Florence just before the wedding. Angela, Johnna's sister, is planning the trip and we are giddy with anticipation.  My walking shoes are arriving today.   They are O  N shoes and my friend and hairdresser had them on because she is having foot problems. They looked good and they do the trick for her, so I got on line and ordered a pair. I don't usually like that style of shoe, but I liked hers.

I may add to this as I raid the fridge today.  I spied cranberries.  Happy to find them still in the markets.  I am freezing some and making some cranberry sauce with liquor and orange.

Image may contain: food

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...